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All our policies are reviewed at least annually.  If you are a  parent of  a child currently attending Preschool, you will receive a notification via babysdays to review and sign the updated policies when necessary.  


To reserve a place at the preschool you will be required to fill out an admissions form and pay a non-refundable deposit of £40 to secure the place. Your child’s place will be confirmed in writing by the office.


If the preschool is full a waiting list is arranged in order of date of enrolment. For those wishing to go on the waiting list a £20 non-refundable deposit is required and once a place is confirmed by the office a further £20 non-refundable fee is required. This fee covers administration costs. The office will be able to advise you the approximate length of the waiting list at the time of registering.


Once you have gained a place at the preschool our office will contact you to confirm that your child will be attending.



Settling in

Before your child starts at preschool you will be invited to a ‘settling in session’ where you will visit the school together to help customise your child and settle them in. This is a great opportunity for you to meet the staff and discuss any queries that you may have. 

Toilet Training

If your child is not yet dry please notify the Preschool Manager.  We would ask you to supply nappy sacks along with nappies and wipes. Trainer pants are a great idea for those who are toilet training. Please make sure you provide named spare clothes and additional trainer pants in case of accidents.


We have a few basic rules which encourage good behaviour. Older children help younger children and show new children where things belong. We encourage the use of 'please' and 'thank you'.

Moving on

Should you wish to terminate your child’s place with the preschool one term’s notice must be given and paid for and all terminations must be confirmed in writing.

Equal Opportunities

We believe that no child, individual, or family should be excluded from the preschool's activities on the grounds of age, gender, sexuality, class, family status, means, disability, colour, ethnic origin, culture, religion, or belief. We aim to ensure all who wish to work in or volunteer at our preschool have an equal chance to do so.

Parental Involvement

Parents and carers are kept well informed of events and important issues via notices on the noticeboard, regular email newsletters and via our information-only facebook page.

Parents and carers are always welcome to visit us at preschool, to see what happens and discuss their child's progress.


We keep a "Learning Journal" for each child, and they each also have a "Holiday Journal" which goes home with them every half-term to add photographs, tickets, and/or pictures of any activities they may undertake in their time away from preschool.

Additional Needs

The term "additional needs" covers a broad spectrum so we recommend visiting the preschool to assess our suitability and discuss the specific needs of your child.


Photographs are regularly taken of the children during preschool activities. These are for the use of the preschool and families only. Images of children on this website are displayed with explicit parental permission.

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